Name Rater: Wynaut

So there’s less than a day left with voting for the name of our mascot! But until then let the Name Rater tide you over with his personal opinions on your submissions!

Rightio, ladies and gents. It’s time for me, the wonderful… uh. Hang on, who am I again?

…Oh! That’s right! I am the Name Rater. I’m here to give my opinion on these nicknames for the Pokemon Wynaut submitted to this magazine, called…called… whatever it is I’m sure it’s nice.

You say this Wynaut is a reporter sort, eh? Well, let’s see if any of these suit it!

‘Anyway, on the nickname: the first thing that popped into my head was Nellie, after the famous reporter Nellie Bly’
Nellie sounds like a name for an old horse, but it’s somewhat of a sweet name as well. Unless it’s meant to be ‘Not Ellie’ in which case this is the worst name ever for Ellie is a fine name, decreed by me. Reporter Nellie does roll off the tongue nicely though, and bonus points for the name being relevant.

‘Alternatively, if the gender is male, I’d like to go with Walter, after Walter Cronkite. ‘This is a distinguished name fitting of a reporter who sticks to his ideals, so if this one’s going to dig the dirt on anyone or hack any phones it won’t fit. But then you could argue that this is the perfect cover! Oh, you crafty Wynaut, you. 10/10 would rate again.

‘As for the name, I kinda want Kelvin for some reason, lol’
Kelvin is a scientist guy, so this for a budding reporter sounds odd for some reason.

‘Whoelse but Wynaut? By that i mean his name as Whoelse, or something like that. Gives it a name that is one of those five questions.’
That’s what I want to now – what other names are there? Who is this Wynaut? Does he lead a double life? Anyways a name that doesn’t focus on the why, so to speak, is at least something different.

‘How about…Journalist Y/Why’
Well, how about it? ‘Why’ sums up my feelings of the latter nickname idea as the name is as subtle as being slapped in the face with a Magikarp, but at least Y has the singular letter thing going on which gives the Wynaut an element of mystery and a potential codename should it ever want a change in profession and join something like pro wrestling or a secret gentleman’s club. How do you do, Mr Y, indeed. Fitting that the suggester’s name was S!

White? It’s not white at all! Look at it, the thing’s as blue as a tomato…. oh, Wyatt. Right. I guess that’s alright.

Clark Kent
‘Clark Kent, because he’s a superpowered reporter.’
C’mon, Clark Kent is no rolemodel. You’ll get the Wynaut trying to save stuff rather than do its job, and it can’t even fly! At least, I’m fairly sure it can’t fly… but maybe that is a yet-undiscovered mechanism concealed in its ear-arms?

Anyways, it is not a bad reference but I do wonder if more reporter-related references would have fitted better here.

‘(obv knowledge of cricket is required to fully appreciate this name)’
Not that ideal; you’re just encouraging the typical behaviour of a wynaut to question things in an annoying voice! Plus although cricket is played in countries other than Australia, dear suggester, the world is full of people who do not know much about cricket let alone what people shout in the game and will try to read it in a French accent or something. Look at it: ‘How zat’? A good name though in relation to the species, I’ll give you that.

‘(Homage to Wallace Wells of the “Scott Pilgrim” series.)’
Wallace is not a bad name, yes, but he’s not a reporter in that series or even a small grey blob that might be a punching bag, so this fits as well as the colour bright pink suits me.

‘Just for the heck of it.’
A name commenting on the nature of the name in an unusual way is better than the usual names I hear for Wynaut at least! ‘Call it Whysostupid’, they say. Of course one shouldn’t do that; it doesn’t fit the character limit!

My Personal Recommendations
Sugar – the little thing can’t sit still, can it? Bet it’s full of the stuff, like a piñata. Hey, that’s an idea…
James – for James is a fine name.

Written by bobandbill.

Author: bobandbill


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