The Name Rater: Lotad/Lombre/Ludicolo

Welcome! Here I am, the… Name Rater. Yes, that’s who I am, I think.

Before I do these name rates, I wish to clarify that I was NOT talking to jars of pickles, and certainly not because I am lonely! No, I was just… reading their nutritional content labels out loud, is all.

Now then! The Lotad line? Let’s do this.

Lombre Only

Well, Hombre would be a good(?) Lombre name.
Normally I disapprove of such minor name changes, but this one letter change is actually fairly fitting for the Pokémon! That is, if your Lombre is actually a friend. They can be nasty fellows and have been known to play tricks on people and steal my shoes. Stupid Lombre are not this man’s hombre!

Ludicolo only

Mini B
I’d like to post the MOST obvious Ludicolo name, that being “Mini B”. Why? (Resist the temptation, resist the temptation……. WYNAUT!?!?) Because Miror.B’s entire team consists of Ludicolo (and a Sudowoodo) that all dance, imitating him. That, and they’re smaller than him. Hence, Mini B.
I believe you stand to be corrected, in that this afro with a man attached to it has happened to use a few other non-Ludicolo Pokémon! But granted, Ludicolo is the obvious main for him, so I can see the point in calling it that. The only problems with that is that you can’t call them all the same thing, you’d just get horribly confused. And you wouldn’t want to encourage them in growing an afro…

A popular name for Ludicolo is LudiYOLO. I’m not a fan of the whole YOLO craze, but it’s actually pretty clever.
Clever? I beg to differ! Ludicolo do not yolo around, and given it stands for You Only Live Once, Revives suggest otherwise!

For Ludicolo, Dionysus or Bacchus, after the Greek or Roman god of drunken merriment.
Points for a fitting name, for Ludicolo is most certainly an entertaining Pokémon, and even more so with some rain of alcoh-water. Definitely water. Just be careful that the god based name doesn’t go to its head.

Sir, you are clearly drunk.

Nicknames for all forms!

But the only alternative I can think of, for any of them, is Lilypad. Because…uh…Lilypads yo.
I pity the Lotad that gets this for a name, because really it’s just treating it as if only the lilypad is worth mentioning! Sure, it’s a great lilypad. It gets bigger each evolution, and is very good at holding water or even as a piece of furniture, on which you can place objects such as your meal, or a small child. But don’t forget that there’s a thing below that lilypad, holding it up, and it has feelings too.

Whenever I train these Pokémon I name the whole line Paddy. The pun is (extremely witty I know) obvious but I think that’s good for a Pokémon nickname, and the name carries an Irish feel to it from the most common stereotypes coming off in that line. Lombre feels like the angry/depressed personality and Ludicolo the drunk party/river dance personality, alongside Lotad who gives off a feel of country/home, so I feel like this line does a great job at expressing the many expected faces of Ireland. ie; Paddy!
Ah, a fine explanation here, and bonus points for explaining how it fits for each of the stages! But it does beg the question now on the nationality of the Pokemon given the other Mexican stereotypes that exist of it. It mightn’t know itself!

The Gravekeeper
Because what’s funnier than sarcasm?
All I’m going to say on this is that if Lombre or Ludicolo was a gravekeeper I wouldn’t want to be buried in its cemetery.

In all seriousness, though, I do feel like a more serious name would do them justice. So how about something like Lucius/Lucinda or something?
Same first letter theme, I see. Well, the old ‘name them unlike their standard nature/personality’ trick can work well, and you could come up with a neat tune with those names too. ‘~I choose you, Lu-cin-da! Lu-cin-da, use Rain Dance! You can win, Lu-cin-da! Lu-cin-da, we all love-‘

Ahem. That is to say, it is a good nickname.

My personal recommendations!

Tabletop – Fitting if you use this Pokemon to decorate your home! Just make sure it doesn’t learn Dive or moves too much on its own.
Frisbee – Lotad needs its own special name, and this is a fine alternate application for the thing!
Lombrero – A one letter change of a real word, but if you can’t find a Water Stone it really helps brighten up that grumpy looking Lombre.

[Image: 271.png]

This is Lombre when it’s happy.



Written by bobandbill. Edited by Slayr231 and Richard Fightmaster.

Author: bobandbill


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