Top Ten Most Annoying Pokemon of All Time (until generation six)!

Just like the title says, we will be collecting some of the most annoying pokemon and attempting to organize them into some sort of top ten. After some extensive research and lots of polling, I found a wide range of pokemon excelling in the art of making people rip their hair out. After narrowing them down, we have our list. These pokemon are the best of the best. Hundreds of screams, tears, and broken consoles are left behind in their wake. Brace yourselves, for the most annoying pokemon of all time are near. Please remember that this list is simply one person’s opinion and no matter how right and perfect I seem to be, individual lists will vary.

#10 Magikarp

[Image: Magikarp.jpg]
Sure, Magikarp might evolve in Gyarados, but that doesn’t mean I can suddenly forgive it for all the misery and woe it caused. When that fishing guy first gave me that old rod, I don’t know about you, but I was going to catch the best water pokemon the world had ever seen. After a few catches I realized that the only pokemon appearing was Magikarp. My friends had warned me how much of a pain it was to train, but come on. How bad could it be? I soon learned Magikarp’s main move to kick some serious butt, splash, was useless. It couldn’t learn any TM’s and I had to get it all the way to level twenty in order for it to evolve. Magikarp finds its way on the list at number ten for being the worst pokemon to train in the history of history. On the bright side, the day-care man was really friendly when I forked over all my money.


#9 Feebas

[Image: Feebas.jpg]
Of all the pokemon that needed another version, why did Gamefreak choose Magikarp? Not only did they re-create Magikarp, they made it nearly impossible to find. Many hours were wasted fishing and fishing coming up with every pokemon, except Feebas. Finally, the clouds cleared, the heavens opened up, and the angels started singing. I had found my Feebas. Once caught, I learned that Feebas evolved when they reach their max beauty. Apparently, simply telling Feebas it’s pretty and buying a lot of make-up isn’t enough. When even the pokedex says “It is a shabby and ugly Pokémon. However, it is very hardy and can survive on little water.” (Black/White) the only thing that can make it feel better is food, pampering, or pretty items. Oh, and in Black/White and Black/White 2, if you can’t trade, just trash your dreams of owning a Milotic now. Instead of beauty, you need to trade with a prism scale in order to trigger that evolution. Feebas makes its way as number nine on the countdown for the stunning combination of rarity and being a pain in the butt to evolve.


#8 Emolga

[Image: Emolga.jpg]
Emolga was adored by a lot of people when it first came out. It was cute, a decent battler, and most importantly, annoying. When walking beside a clump of tall grass and one finally starts shaking, the pokemon expected to be found is Audino. Unfortunately, you encounter this flying squirrel and the last thing it’s going to do is throw a bunch of experience points at you. The lack of exp. however, is the least of your worries. You’ll be lucky to hit it after the double team extravaganza it puts you through. Emolga also carries a plethora of electric type moves and that means one thing, paralysis. So not only is your pokemon slower than molasses, but it’s now trying to hit this pokemon with a million copies of itself flying around at once. Don’t worry, your pokemon will struggle eventually, I’m sure of it. Emolga makes its way to number eight on the countdown for paralysis and double team spam.


#7 Pidove / Tranquil

[Image: Pidove.jpg][Image: Tranquil.jpg]
Time to catch yourself a flying type in this new world known as Unova. You’ve looked around a bit and you’ve decided on Pidove. Pidove used Protect! Pidove used Roost! Pidove used Protect! Pidove used Roost! Pidove used Protect! Trainer used scream at the top of his/her lungs! It’s not very effective. If you ask me, no pokemon not controlled by a person should have protect. That especially goes for pokemon that have access to healing moves. If you don’t have an attack that can’t get rid of most, if not all, of Pidove/Tranquil’s health, you better just run away or else you’ll be in the magical world of protect spam. Thanks to their decent attack capabilities, this line can not only annoy you to high heavens, but pack a punch as well. Pidove/Tranquil protect their spot as number seven on the list for protect/roost spam.


#6 Tentacool/Tentacruel

[Image: Tentacool.jpg][Image: Tentacruel.jpg]
These pokemon really can pack a punch and be a useful member to any team, but there is one thing (a wild Tentacool appeared!) that really puts them on this list. They are (a wild Tentacool appeared!) everywhere. Wherever people can surf, a (a wild Tentacool appeared!), well, you know. Their poison moves have poisoned many pokemon, forcing (a wild Tentacool appeared!) trainers to stop in their tracks and either backtrack to Nurse Joy, or use a valuable item. Not to mention (a wild Tentacruel appeared!) that the line is surprisingly bulky, requiring several hits to take down. These things are far too common, and despite (a wild Tentacool appeared) being good battlers, are just as much trouble as they’re worth. Tentacool and Tentacruel make the list for a combination of causing pokemon to be (a wild Tentacruel appeared!) poisoned and being one of the most common pokemon in existence.


#5 Diglett/Dugtrio

[Image: Diglett.jpg][Image: Dugtrio.jpg]
There are quite a few mysteries surrounding this pokemon. What does it look like below the surface? How do they travel that quickly? How in the world are they able to learn scratch? Unlike these questions, it should be no mystery why Diglett/Dugtrio made the list. With the ability Arena Trap, you’re forced to fight with the first member of your party and win if you want to escape. This can get extremely challenging if you’re training up a weak member and switch it out in the beginning of battle. Before you know it, your team is extremely worn out and you find it harder and harder to continue, the fear of Arena Trap pulsing through your veins. Then, all of a sudden, a level twenty-seven titan comes out of nowhere and challenges you to a battle. Let’s just say, I really hope you remember to bring repel next time you try to go through Diglett cave. Diglett/Dugtrio trap their way to number five on the list for their unique ability to trap, outspeed, and destroy your entire party before your very eyes.


#4 Patrat/Watchog

[Image: Patrat.jpg][Image: Watchog.jpg]
Patrat and Watchog, the lookout pokemon. Not only do they look like they’re always on acid, but can cause entire parties to fall asleep without breaking a sweat. There’s a pokedex entry I made myself, and it describes the line pretty well if I do say so myself. In the beginning they weren’t bad at all, just another beginning pokemon to help you beat the first couple of gyms. As the game progressed, however, Watchog became one of the pokemon I dreaded to face in battle. Although I never found it useful late-game, several of the Team Plasma Grunts still used their Patrat/Watchog far into the storyline. It’s not that Watchog is a powerful hitter, but rather it has access to two of the most annoying moves in-game in Hypnosis and Super Fang. Basically, it causes you to fall asleep where, no matter how bulky your pokemon is, your HP is cut in half. If you switch out your pokemon, which is not recommended, then you can look forward to another hypnosis where, if it hits, you’ll be stuck in the same predicament as before. Patrat/Watchog make the list at number four for their ability to break through in-game walls and afflict annoying statuses.


#3 Wynaut/Wobbuffet

[Image: Wynaut.jpg][Image: Wobbuffet.jpg]
Not only does Wynaut write amazing articles that everyone loves and nobody can possibly hate, Wynaut, along with some help from Wobbuffet, have the ability to annoy the heck out of you! Every move you make will be used against you in the ultimate strategy of annoyance. Don’t think you’ll just get by on OHKO’ing every Wynaut/Wobbuffet that gets in your way. Their HP stat makes sure that they’re here to stay another day. Eventually you’ll wear them down, but not after taking some heavy losses first. Destroying your entire team with a smile, normally you have to pay extra for that kind of hospitality. On the work field, Wynaut works hard cracking down on big stories and digging up the truth, but on the battle field, Wynaut relies on its massive HP stat to get inside your mind and destroy you from the inside out. Wynaut/Wobbuffet take their place as number three on the list for their unique ability to turn your own strategy against you and being one of the bulkiest pokemon around.


#2 Roggenrola/Boldore

[Image: Roggenrola.jpg][Image: Boldore.jpg]
Not only are Roggenrola and Boldore found everywhere, but they have a unique twist to annoy the crap out of you. They carry sturdy 100% of the time which means that the pokemon that you’re training is going to take a hit. If your pokemon isn’t good at taking hits, your saving grace is their incredibly low speed. Even the final evolved form, Gigalith’s speed stat is a lighting fast twenty five. If you do end up running away, good luck on running into anything else while you’re in that cave, because these little guys run amuck in just about any cave complex in the region. Ready to spread joy and screams wherever they go. Did I forget to mention their high defense? Even if you carry a multi-hit move, if it’s not super-effective, it’s most likely not going to work. Roggenrola and Boldore make their way to the number two spot for their ability sturdy and high defensive bulk.


#1 Zubat/Golbat

[Image: Zubat.jpg][Image: Golbat.jpg]
The number one spot can only go to the pokemon making you rip your hair out since 1996! Remember all those good times we had walking together through dark cave? Well, I remember and I would be lying if I didn’t say that I got so desperate I started catching every Zubat I saw just to decrease the surrounding population. Yeah, it didn’t work. If absurdly high population numbers weren’t enough for you, how about their number one move supersonic? All I know is that move did NOT have fifty-five accuracy, for them, it was more like ninety-five. It gets even worse with Golbat – not only is it faster and stronger than Zubat, but it can learn confuse ray. Which does the exact same thing, only it has 100 accuracy! And you know it’s going to flinch you with bite too. If you can’t knock them out in one hit and out-speed them, prepare to be confused. This isn’t ordinary confusion, this is advanced confusion. The chance of your pokemon hitting itself in the face rises from fifty, to ninety-nine percent. I might be exaggerating a little, tiny bit, but those guys are true evil. I mean, these guys are legendary. Being the star of thousands of online comics and all. Speaking of online comics, here’s one now!
[Image: Zubats_9b066e_2215782.jpg]
And the trainer had Repel too…

Zubat/Golbat fly in at number one on the countdown for annoying us since the very beginning and not being afraid to confuse our entire party.

Well there you have it, the most annoying pokemon of all time. Well, at least until generation six comes around. Who knows? We might even get a pokemon more annoying than Zubat! Won’t that be fun!

We came across pokemon that are impossible to train, encounter, run away from, and to knock out in one move. I can’t wait to make memories with the new pokemon. Oh the memories, the sad, painful memories…



Written by Slayr231.
Edited by An-chan, Astinus, bobandbill, Hoenn and Richard Fightmaster.

Author: bobandbill


3 thoughts on “Top Ten Most Annoying Pokemon of All Time (until generation six)!”

  1. I must say, I’m glad to see our staff growing! There’s not usually this many contributors! Anyways, nice article Slayr, but I think that you might wake up dead for insulting Wynaut and Wobbuffet in even the slightest manner… Wyatt looks pissed right now.

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