Dear Diary: From Jessie, James, and Meowth

Hello, loyal readers of Wynaut?! So, I was searching the mighty Sinnoh region for some treasure, and I found something much, much better. Some diary entries from my heroes, Team Rocket! It’s only a day’s worth, but it was an amazing find nonetheless! I’ve posted the diary entries below… enjoy!

Dear Diary,

Today started out pretty much the same as they usually do. Meowth and Jess were sleeping in, while I wanted to get up and going, doing something productive like finding food or stealing some Pokemon! Jess smacked me and Meowth did nothing as usual… as much those two brutes annoy me, they’re the best friends I have ever had or will have. Enough of that, though! Carnivine thought he needed a snack, so I watered him with my trusty Squirtle Watering Can™! Of course, he had a different idea. He always messes up my magnificent hair! How I love that beautiful grass type… he reminds me of Victreebel and Cacnea…

[Image: type02.jpg]
It’s… it’s magnificent!

Dear Diary,

Today, I woke up in a good enough mood. My hair was just as fabulous and beautiful as always, and I had gotten a nice amount of sleep last night. However, James was up early, moaning and whining about something or other, perhaps bottlecaps or something… I wasn’t paying much attention. Ah, someday, we’ll be rich and famous, and I spent the first few hours of the day pursuing this! Seviper, Yanmega and I practiced our Contest moves, and we’re making serious progress! I love Yanmega and Seviper so much… oftentimes, I think of Arbok and Dustox, and wonder what it would be like if they were still here, but I know they’re both in better places.

Dear Diary,

After breakfast (we found some delightful grapefruit skin candy!), we set out, searching for some work. We stumbled upon the twerps! I know we always call them twerps, and I certainly agree about Ash and Dawn, but that Brock… what a nice hunk of a man! I wouldn’t dare tell Jessie or Meowth I feel that way about a twerp, though. As we watched the twerps, hidden from sight, Meowth and I discussed how we were going to catch their Pikachu, and, they were accompanied by a strange woman. She had a Flygon! Meowth launched into yet another of his motivational fantasies about the boss.

Dear Diary,

Just imagine what da boss will do when we give him dat fabulous Flygon! Imagine dis: Da boss is in bed. He’s just gotten up, and he’s still very tired! But den, da fabulous and bee-a-yootiful Flygon comes trough da window! Da shock of seein’ such a fantabulous creature causes da boss to wake up fully, just like dat. And on da back of his new mahvelous pet, da boss will say: “Because of d’ere amazing gift in da form of dis Flygon, Meowth and his friends are invaluable parts of Team Rocket, and will surely receive a promotion!”

Just imagine da boss instead of da twerps on dat bee-a-yootiful beast!

Dear Diary,

After Meowth went through the usual routine, mooning over the boss as he always does, that blubbering idiot Wobbuffet broke out of his PokeBall! He screamed his own name with that sickening happiness of his… ech, how disturbing! As a way of disciplining my Pokemon, I gently tapped him and returned him to his Pokeball.

Dear Diary,

Jessie treats poor Wobbuffet very poorly. He merely pops out of his PokeBall every now and then, and when he did this time, she barbarically smacked him! What a brute! I would never do that to my little Mime Jr, and I never would have done it to my lovely little Chimeco! Anyways, after finding the twerps, we spent a lot of time building the perfect machine to snatch that fabulous Flygon and that pesky Pikachu! This time, it’s double trouble guaranteed to work! Eeeee! I’m so excited!

Dear Diary,

Listen, is that a voice I hear?
It’s speaking to me, loud and clear!
On the wind!
Past the stars!
In yer ear!
Bringing chaos at a breakneck pace!
Dashing hope, putting fear in its place!
A rose by any other name’s just as sweet!
When everything’s worse, our work is complete!
And James!
Meowth, dat’s a name!
Putting the do-gooders in their place!
We’re Team Rocket!
In your face!

The fancy logo effect comes out of our budget, but it’s totally worth it.

Dear Diary,

Using our nefariously nasty Flygon nabbing machine, we made off with that pesky Pikachu and Flygon! We flew off in our Meowth balloon, triumphant for once! Now we just need to get back to headquarters and give the boss this fabulous gift! Oh, hang on, it seems the twerps are there, watching us fly away! Hah! I think I’ll enjoy a laugh at their stupidity!

Dear Diary,

Uch! That twerp sent his Staraptor to tear our Meowth balloon up with a Wing Attack! We landed safely, but Flygon and Pikachu’s cage was destroyed! Somehow, they both completely avoided any type of harm… the nerve of some Pokemon! I sent out Carnivine and Jessie sent out Seviper as we faced the twerps. Unfortunately, that Flygon knocked out both my beautiful Carnivine and Seviper with one Earthquake! Then, that Pikachu had that look in its eye…

Dear Diary,



[Image: twinkle+in+the+sky.jpg]
Uch, not this again! It keeps happening!


Written by Richard Fightmaster.
Edited by Bay Alexison, bobandbill, Hoenn and Slayr231.

Author: bobandbill


4 thoughts on “Dear Diary: From Jessie, James, and Meowth”

  1. If James was really gay, he’d have already used his cross-dressing powers to try to take advantage of Brock’s flirting with every girl he sees. Actually, he’d probably have done it over and over and over again.

    And each time would have ended badly. VERY badly.

    This is James we’re talking about, after all.

  2. Alright, let’s just take a look at Beauty and the Beach and Flower Power. Go watch those episodes. Go on, I’ll wait. Done? Great. In Beauty and the Beach, James literally wears a bikini and has inflatable breasts… yeah. He does this to win a beauty contest (to help a certain COTD)… despite the fact that Jessie is already in the contest. If anyone can win a beauty contest, it’s friggin Jessie from Team Rocket. James merely enters because he LOOOVES cross dressing. Now look at Flower Power. There’s a Pokémon exhibition which Jessie, James, and Meowth want to participate in. For some reason, they’re not allowed to (the Pokémon society is elitist), but do you know what James would have done in the exhibition? Worn a pink dress and danced. A pink dress, the same one as in The Misty Mermaid (ECH)! IF HE WANTED TO STEAL MEN’S CLOTHING THEN WHY DID HE KEEP THE DRESS!?!? Sorry, I get mad about that episode, that obviously wrongly translated episode. Also, Brock would never have fallen for a cross dressing James. Ever notice how he always fails to flirt with Jessie, even when she’s in disguise? I don’t know what the deal is there, but if it applies to Jessie, I’m sure it does to James.

  3. Seriously, how is this even a debate? It’s so very obvious that James is homosexual. I’m also an avid reader of Pokemopolis (thanks for the link to this site from your sig, Richard!) and all you need to read is one or two episode guides from there to completely convince you that James enjoys the company of men.

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