Pokémon Places: Chargestone Cave

Generation V is no longer the latest generation with the release of X and Y. Still, it leaves a pretty interesting case of routes and caves to cross. You may remember the wonderful sights and experiences you’ve had in the region. Skyarrow Bridge, Marine Tube, Undella Bay… those are the type of places whose sights you’d see for keeps! You do know what comes along with them right? Dangerous caves and perilous routes! Take, for example, Char-me-to-stone Cave. Or was it Chargestone Cave? I forgot which… take into account our next salvage of an experienced individual’s guide to unexplored places!

By glancing at the name it has been given you may think it’s full of Electric-type Pokémon. True enough, it’s an electrically charged cave filled with rocks that are actually charged enough to float! Now that’s groovy. By the way, this cave seems to have a strong magnetic field. My Magneton evolved inside this cave by responding to the magnetic force! That’s a handy trick if you want to have a supercharged Magnezone, I guess. I’m quite sure it works as well for another magnetic Pokémon, Nosepass. The same happened way back in Sinnoh, so Wynaut?

After the brief account I’ve given, you may feel Chargestone Cave sounds like an interesting cave that helps evolve cool Pokémon. On the contrary, the path inside this cave isn’t so convenient for a fellow comrade to navigate through. In fact, it’s plain hard. You may find that you are constantly blocked by floating rocks, and you have to move them. Be sure not to get a sore arm or electrocuted fingers! You are recommended to wear electric insulator gloves. These rocks give a puzzle of a sort for you to solve: you must push the rocks to bigger ones so they cling on over there. Be warned though, the rocks may ‘reset’ and come back to their original positions thus causing us to probe into the matter. I feel that a certain magnetic presence draws them away, perhaps relative to what our world is made up of? Maybe the unicorns appear in the dark and set all back to position? I do not know.

Pokémon to watch out for

Now that isn’t even the main point. The main point is the wild Pokémon found here. You may see hordes of Joltik, lots of Ferroseed, many Klink, the rare Nosepass and at an extremely rare chance Tynamo. Some Boldore may also appear. This means one thing: get your Ground-type slingshots ready and hunt. Fire-type Pokémon are also particularly useful, although be warned that they may end up being paralyzed more often than the foe get burnt. Sometimes you may be stopped by the odd scientist, but honestly don’t listen to a word they say. Unless of course they offer to heal your Pokémon, which is an unusual occurrence around these parts. Ace Trainers using rare Pokémon may be chanced upon, so you’d better cover up that hole in your team before they strike. You are recommended to carry more Potions and Full Heals than anything, and perhaps try to make sure you catch the rare Tynamo. There’s not much to it; no killer zombies or monstrous dragons. Your Pokémon are recommended to be at least level 32 as the trainers here are of that class.

Are you still scared to go in the cave? What could go wrong, eh? You drank the water and got yourself a shock did you? I’d never recommend that in my survival guide. Entry sometimes gets blocked by giant spider webs… and don’t touch them! You will have to deal with it another way, perhaps bust another hole somewhere. You don’t have to be blind half the way, so that’s a plus. What I mean is the cave isn’t very dark because of all this sparkling electricity buzzling about. You won’t get electrocuted by the stones even if you don’t wear the gloves, I promise.

[Image: pushstone_zps1c0cade8.png]
Ooh, shiny!

Supercharged survival tactics

Let’s look at your origin point. Where did you come from? From the south side is a very green Route 6 and from the north is the elegant Mistralton City. Either way sounds bad, but at least you get some shelter in Mistralton City. You wouldn’t like to sleep under trees, would you? Likewise.

If you’re coming from Mistralton City: you may have visited the Pokémon Center and bought a few items. You may want to carry along some of the aforementioned useful items, namely Potion and Full Heal. In fact, Potion is obsolete by now, you’d better stock on Super Potions at this stage. You can be confident you’ll cross it, but the Pokémon found here may catch you off-guard if you are emulating Skyla with Flying-type Pokémon.

If you’re coming from Route 6: surely you visited Driftveil City? You may have been inspired by Clay to take up Ground-type Pokémon. In all means, this is good. They might save your life! And perhaps your Pokémon’s, too…

If you’ve come falling out of the sky: come on. It’s a cave. Think of any other reason you’re here. Perhaps you’ve dreamed it all. And no, getting electrocuted by a Joltik is not as good as pinching yourself.

If you’re sure you didn’t come here from anywhere: then you may be in a fix. I mean, you certainly didn’t emerge out of the shadows, did you? Are you honestly lost in here? Don’t talk to any people in here, I tell you. They may drag you into a Pokémon battle.

If you are a regular visitor to this place: good one! You know the tricks you can use to pass the cave. You don’t need any more help, proceed to gift this guide if you find any person with a crazy hairstyle and bad hygiene. That is, of course, unless you are helplessly trying to cross it. If that’s the case I recommend one of the above ways to cross it depending on your position.

By the way, are you a Pokémon researcher? Want to know how the Joltik survive in such a cave? The charged rocks are their main source of energy. Not just Joltik, every Pokémon in it. If someone were to take out the rocks… then the Joltik and Galvantula will be forced out. The Pokémon here live in harmony, you may see harmless bouts between Ferroseed and Klink, but don’t mind them. The last thing you need is the two of them pulling attacks at you! The other Pokémon here like Tynamo and Nosepass are too rare to take a formidable role in the cave’s ecosystem. The Boldore though, they’re a special case: they live on their own and dwell on the places away from the charged stones, they don’t seem to like them so much. Thank the gods, you wouldn’t like to see Boldore electrifying you, would you?

I conclude hastily because I couldn’t say much about this cave; I never found the time to make a spare map to share with you! The cave is not that complicated, but don’t underestimate it. You can still get lost. Some shady activity have been seen around the past. We feel Team Plasma were particularly interested in this cave. That’s not quite surprising, either. Team Plasma were a shady group and they might have been attracted to the energy of the place. It could have become a natural power plant, even.

Did you find this guide useful? Tune in next time, when we collect data from places never messed with! If this saved your life, please give us 1 Poké! Remember, every 1 Poké counts to the availability of more unexplored places!

Written by Hoenn.
Edited by Bay Alexison, bobandbill, Richard Fightmaster and Slayr231.

Author: bobandbill


One thought on “Pokémon Places: Chargestone Cave”

  1. Man, I HATED this cave!
    I remember, in my White game, I forget to buy the repels (because I really hate caves because encounter rate are too high) and… Important items in general. Suddenly I’ve noticed I not only was lost but all my pokemons were struggling to survive. Run, run, run, run; 2 out of 4 times I wouldn’t be able and my lead would receive a damage. If that doctor that heals pokemon wasn’t there, a DS would be destroyed by being thrown in a wall. A doctor is a life saver. But still, I suffered a lot.
    Really, most annoying cave EVER.

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