The Name Rater: Spinarak & Ariados

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Welcome! I’m back to rate those nicknames you gave for Spinarak and Ariados! But please, stop waving those things at me. It’s not that I’m scared of spiders, honest! It’s just that I’m scared of, uh, them biting me. On the face.


You know… because spiders
Sounds like with that sort of name you’d just give away your tactics to the opposing trainer. Not that they shouldn’t be able to figure that out themselves if you were using an Ariados. I don’t understand the reasoning though. ‘I’m calling it this because spiders’. Besides, history teachers also bite and can poison you. Because history.

Because I’ve been reading LOTR and, well… SPIDERS! :B
Points for a reference, and not one that people would generally think up straight away either. But were you reading LOTR because of the spiders? Such a sad tale, really. I mean, all those spiders ended up getting stabbed by short people.

Because this evolution line can do whatever a spider can. Which, considering it shares its native environment with a host of giant, powerful monsters capable of commanding elements, is evidently not a whole lot.
What if it’s a female? But that’s true, it’s not well known for being a strong Pokémon. Mind you, this spider isn’t a man, so there needs to be some additional reason for that nickname…don’t tell me you feed it people, please.

Also please tell me this isn’t the reason.

For a female, haha!
Fitting, although I don’t get the joke. Just make sure that you teach your Spinarak how to write if you’re naming it this.

Oh, is the joke that Charlotte dies at the end?

Miss Muffet
But the spider scared Miss Muffet, it wasn’t called Muffet. At least, not officially. ‘Little Miss Muffet got scared by Muffet away from her tuffet, because Muffet was a jerk.’

Crazy Legs
An amusing submission, unless the legs really are crazy. Then it’s a somewhat worrying nickname. I think I’ll be safe and keep my distance from that particular Ariados.

Snider instead of Spider? But why the n in place of the p? Is it a particularly rude spider?

Because it’s like a mix of Arachnid and Ariados… because it’s an aMAZE-ing name :V
I don’t see the maze, but that’s probably a good thing. Mazes filled with spiders would be a terrible thing. The name is simple but decent, I suppose.

Because if you have arachnophobia, Ariados is obviously a good pokemon to have.
If I was scared of spiders – and I’m not! – I would be too busy screaming to nickname my Ariados. Alas, this name would actually be too long, the character limit while extended is still only 12 characters! Arachnophobi doesn’t quite work, I’m afraid. Arachnophobe, maybe? Which wouldn’t make sense for the Pokémon itself… although it would be amusing to see, I admit.

Did you find this Pokémon on the – wait for it – interNET?


Ms. Poisy
Female (#seewhatididthere)
Yes, Yes I do. I’m afraid spiders may not get it however. Maybe that is for the best!

Going with the LOTR theme
Another LOTR reference, huh. You people must like lords with bling. Or maybe you just like reading about spiders getting stabbed. For shame.

Since Australia is associated with spiders that are bigger or more poisonous or just otherwise creepier than they should be, thanks to the internet…
Ah, Australia is indeed a scary place, filled with spiders, snakes and swimming knives. A fitting name! Although maybe not an immediately obvious one without the explanation.

Fat Amy
But spiders aren’t really fat, and certainly not Spinarak. Don’t be mean to the spider by calling it fat! You might just make it angry.

My personal recommendations!

Ariadne – Based on a Greek goddess, after all!
– Because spiders have fangs. 🙂
HobbitSlayer – Because someone – or some-spider – needs to stand up to those violent midgets, and have a word to Tolkien about them as well.

Written by bobandbill
Editted by An-chan, Hoenn and Slayr231

Author: bobandbill


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