Pokémon Places: Mt. Pyre

Through the generations we have traveled, we’ve found interesting places. Of course, breathtaking sights and treacherous passes are common in and around the regions. But ‘interesting’ includes other stuff. Stuff that frightens you, stuff that brings you sorrow. And one such place to take into consideration is Mt. Pyre, the eerie mountain-graveyard of the Hoenn region. There’s a lot of history stored in this site, and this place may yet tell many unheard tales of the Hoenn region. Standing on the top of this mystic Mt. Fire will set your soul ablaze… wait, what am I saying? I meant Mt. Pyre, yes, and it’s not going to do anything like that! Read on, if you would like the reassurance.

You may recall something that I mentioned about Mt. Pyre being a mountain and graveyard. It’s true, folks! There are a number of graveyard-specific places throughout the regions, viz., Pokémon Tower, House of Memories, Mt. Pyre, Lost Tower and Celestial Tower. But I daresay Mt. Pyre is the most important of these places. It is also believed that Mt. Pyre itself represents the end of life, in contrast to a more fabled Cave of Origin, that represents the start or birth of life. It’s that important a place in Hoenn, folks! You have to believe me! Why, it is even said that this place guards the power which controls those who marked the start of the region itself! A couple of Orbs, they say. Aside from that, the other difference is that this place is considerably more popular. And it also hasn’t yet been converted into a radio tower!

The ghastly truth

The thing is, this mountain is a regular place for Ghost types. This means one thing: it’s a haunt for them and it’s haunts for you. No doubt the spooks and scares you’d get over here is enough to last you through the whole Hoenn region itself. Now, don’t you blame the poor ghost types, they’re shunned away from all orthodox places in this region, so they’ve not a choice but to inhabit the resting places of those who are close to their kind. It’s also quite clear that Mt. Pyre is not the centre of tourist attraction in this region. However, the people who are drawn to this place are of two types:

a) The sobbing trainers who weep over their partners who have moved on.
b) Crazy whackos who are deeply interested in hexes and magic and always appreciate live test subjects.

You’ve got that right. There are more, of course, but I’m only stating the major two, and the margin of difference between the preference of the two types should be distinct to all those who are using this guide. Any who disagree would have invoked second thoughts after three seconds of conversation. Maybe even two; depending on how quickly you pick up on what, or rather how, they speak.

What sorcery is this?

Remorseless overview

From the outside, Mt. Pyre may appear so… dull. That may be because you’re looking at it from far away. For instance, here’s a map I sketched up while on Victor, my Staraptor. Do keep in mind all the maps here are big images!

Seems a bit too far-off as a respectable mountain, eh? You could even be fooled into thinking that that small platform of rocks is the summit. You’d be even more surprised to know there’s a lot more grass in this mountain than it looks. This is what I noticed as I went closer…

Alright, surprised enough? As it turns out, the wild Pokémon also live in the taller grass patches. This means that all that you saw of the mountain from a distance was a lie! But you may have also been fooled into underestimating the mountain itself, had I not warned you. You should be lucky that this guide gives you a bit more than a skim on the mountain, yes. But as you may see, I was inspecting the place from which we emerge to the exterior regions of the mountain, thus this map only gives a sideways view. What you really need to know, is what lays on the top.

If you do plan to visit the summit, please pay your respects to all the deceased along the way while looking out for rare Pokémon. You may also notice a solemn old couple living around here, who are the experts when it comes to Hoenn legends. In fact, they are said to guard items of value, items that bring about the balance between the land and the sea of the region. They are a most friendly old couple, so don’t forget to share some of your tales as well. They are the grandparents of the Hoenn Elite Four Phoebe, and it is said that she trained up here and honed her skills. Because of that, you may even try to get some solid training for your Pokémon around here if you’d like.

The ghost hunt

These Pokémon in and around the region spook the life out of you everywhere you go. You’ll never like an Oddish’s Stun Spore when you’ve just battled out a strong trainer, nor would you like a pesky Tentacool’s Poison Sting when you’ve just resurfaced from an underwater adventure. But have you ever faced a Confuse Ray or a Will-O-Wisp from a Duskull? Trust me, you do not want to be there. That’s why I’ve included my analysis of the Pokémon found here.

If you are inside, you are certain to find many Duskull and Shuppet. Along with them, you’ll find… many Duskull and Shuppet. That’s right, they are the only two Pokémon to watch out for, and if you find any others you can be sure they belong to trainers. They aren’t so hard to beat, but you’ll keep finding them over, and you may be overwhelmed by the number of Pokémon here.

As you go to the exterior part of the mountain at the place where I showed you earlier, you’ll get to see some sort of a mystical fog that surrounds the place. This may make you feel unsettled, but it’s not going to change things for you much. You may find Vulpix, Meditite and Wingull in addition to the Duskull and Shuppet. As you go to the summit, these Pokémon should stop appearing and you’ll find only Duskull and Shuppet again. However, my friends have confirmed the sighting of lone Chimeco that roam here. They are very rare and you should consider yourself lucky if you find one.

You may also face a variety of trainers: PokéManiacs, Hex Maniacs, Psychics (maniacs in general) and some other trainers that come here for completely normal visiting purposes and feel like challenging you. The maniacs usually use Psychic type Pokémon, while PokéManiacs may use just about anything. The other trainers also have various Pokémon from the Hoenn region, so you’ll need a good variety of well-trained Pokémon here. But especially have Ghost types (you can find them right here!) or Dark types to deal with the maniacs. Your Pokémon are recommended to be around Lv. 32 and above. Also, you may need carry Super and Hyper Potions along with some Full Heals. Perhaps you can take along some fake currency to throw to Hex Maniacs while you run away from them.

Hopefully the wild Pokémon won’t either.

Save your soul

Mt. Pyre is not an easily accessible place, and is not very close to any help. It’s quite far away from Mauville City and isn’t adjacent to Lilycove City, although it is close to it. The only other place that directly connects to it is Fortree City, but that is a bit too far away to consider. It’s located in Route 122, so if you know your map you may find your way out of here. You may have to consider how you came in before you find out how you get out.

If you’re coming from Route 121: you’ve either come from Fortree City or Lilycove City. If you came from the former, You might want to stop by Lilycove and heal your Pokémon as well as pick up supplies. You should be well prepared as long as your Pokémon are strong.

If you’re coming from Route 123: you’re a long way from Mauville City, and chances are you aren’t coming from here unless you’re skilled in hiking over ledges, as they’ll send you tumbling down to a most humble Berry Master’s house. If you managed all this, I’ll assume you’re a more experienced trainer, so you wouldn’t have much of a problem here.

If you’ve come falling out of the sky: you’re in big trouble, or not. This actually happened to me once, about the same time I took a sketch of the summit. My Staraptor lost control and I fell right into the grass, and it hurt. A lot. Fortunately, the old couple I talked about earlier found me and lent me a helping hand. I grew to respect them ever since, and so I’d say you’re safe. But, if you fell somewhere in the side area I showed you before, you’re more likely to be impaled by rocks and seriously damage yourself. By then you’ll be more worried about your medical condition than your surroundings, and you certainly wouldn’t be reading this guide.

If you’re sure you didn’t come here from anywhere: then think back. Were you brainwashed by Hex Maniacs or were you haunted out of your wits by the Ghost type Pokémon? Fear not, you can hide away behind graves on the exterior of the mountain and recollect! If that doesn’t help you much, I’m afraid you’ll have to fight your way through with your Pokémon.

If you are a regular visitor to this place: good one! You know the tricks you can use to pass the mountain. You don’t need any more help, proceed to gift this guide if you find any person with a crazy hairstyle and bad hygiene. That is, of course, unless you are helplessly trying to cross it. If that’s the case I recommend one of the above ways to cross it depending on your position.

If you are a Hex Maniac: no please don’t curse me

The interior of the mountain has six floors, each of almost the same size. You may find different items dropped around by trainers, and some may be hidden behind graves. You may also find holes on the higher floors that would give you a good tumble down, which can be quite frustrating, as they will eventually lead to more holes and you’ll find yourself back in the lower floors. Hopefully you’ll have the number of your doctor and chiropractor in your Match Call PokéNav, because this exercise can lead to a sore and wounded back.

The truth behind the ghastly guardians

You may be curious to know about those ‘Orbs’ I mentioned earlier. There are two Orbs in question, the Red Orb and the Blue Orb. Both of them are supposed to represent the two legendary Pokémon that started the region, Kyogre and Groudon. These two Pokémon had waged terrible battles in the past, and put the land and sea of Hoenn in danger. These Orbs calmed them down and sent them back to sleep, after intervention of a third legendary Pokémon, or so they say. The old couple have been guarding the Orbs for many years, and they will for many years to come. You’d best not unleash the wrath of the legendary Pokémon, if you’re a believer of these legends.

That’s all you need to know about this mountain, at least if you want to be sane and alive. In your adventures, please take note of this mountain, as it lies near the centre of Hoenn and it’s not a place you’d want to miss in your adventures, especially if you want Ghost-types.

Did you find this guide useful? Tune in next time, when we find out about places that aren’t known to most! If this saved your life, please give us 1 Poké! Remember, every 1 Poké counts to the availability of more unexplored places!


Written by Hoenn.
Edited by Bay Alexison, bobandbill and Richard Fightmaster.

Author: bobandbill


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