Dear Diary: From Jessie, James, and Meowth

Hello, loyal readers of Wynaut?! So, I was searching the mighty Sinnoh region for some treasure, and I found something much, much better. Some diary entries from my heroes, Team Rocket! It’s only a day’s worth, but it was an amazing find nonetheless! I’ve posted the diary entries below… enjoy!

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Downtime Updates

A brief post here! Some of you may have noticed, if you looked up from your 3DS and copy of Pokemon X or Y (or both), that Wynaut? had some issues over the weekend. The exciting version of the explanation is that Wyatt, our mascot, had to defend the site from rival Wynaut armed with pirate gear and pointy sticks. The boring and unfortunately real reason is the server had some hardware problems, and there were some DNS (domain name system) propagation issues afterwards which is why for some people it took a couple days to get back up. (I told you it was the more boring version).

But it’s back up for now! This does mean the next article will be a bit later than usual, but it’ll be out by this weekend or thereabouts, depending on the part of the world you are in. There’ll also be a bit more potential downtime around the 21st, but that’s stuff we’re expecting that basically means newer and shinier and faster servers. Keep an eye out, and we’ll try to keep the mostly-weekly updates continuing!

Pokémon Places – Lost in Viridian Forest

Let’s talk of the place where the golden era of Pokémon started – Kanto. You’ve been to Viridian City and Pewter City, I suppose? Then you’ll know exactly how annoying Viridian Forest could get had you not trained your Pokémon. Have you perhaps tried to go back there… to get a Pikachu to beat Misty? Let’s rush back to Viridian City… oh the horror, we can’t go back into Mt. Moon again, that ledge is blocking your way! Anyway, let’s look deep into the world of the Very Damned Forest. Did I get that wrong? Fine, Viridian Forest.

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Gotta Snag’em All: The Making of the Snag Machine

This is Scientist Richard for Team Snagem. I’ve been hired by the company to create some sort of “Snag Device”. Its purpose will be to steal Pokemon from other trainers, by changing a PokeBall into a SnagBall. This will be a huge technical undertaking. Since PokeBalls were invented by Kurt from Azalea Town, they’ve been designed to catch only wild Pokemon. I’ve decided to either create some sort of machine to convert PokeBalls, or  an entirely new ball. The latter option seems a much better one, as it’ll be much easier to do. I’ll just have to make a few modifications to a PokeBall, as opposed to making an entire machine. Here is a short catalogued analysis of my findings.

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Gabby and Ty’s Special Nurse Joy Interview

Without Pokémon Centers (let’s say PokéCenters for short) we’d be somewhere in Ilex Forest bowing to that ruddy Weedle and pleading him for mercy and not to poison poor old Chikorita, since you don’t have that Antidote with you. Or the possibilities go to old school running away from Beedril. Whenever she says, “We hope to see you again!”, it’s as if she knows you’re going to come back to heal that wounded Piplup. She also sweetly informs you when a double EV intake virus known as “Pokérus” is affecting your Pokémon. And also Brock. Him and his Nurse Joy flirting may have caught you. Nice, isn’t she? But she never gets any attention… so we think. Who is this nice lady in person…? Let’s go to a PokéCenter (I’m not telling you where on request of Nurse Joy) and clear the rumours. Continue reading “Gabby and Ty’s Special Nurse Joy Interview”

Top Ten Most Annoying Pokemon of All Time (until generation six)!

Just like the title says, we will be collecting some of the most annoying pokemon and attempting to organize them into some sort of top ten. After some extensive research and lots of polling, I found a wide range of pokemon excelling in the art of making people rip their hair out. After narrowing them down, we have our list. These pokemon are the best of the best. Hundreds of screams, tears, and broken consoles are left behind in their wake. Brace yourselves, for the most annoying pokemon of all time are near. Please remember that this list is simply one person’s opinion and no matter how right and perfect I seem to be, individual lists will vary.

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Lotad/Lombre/Ludicolo Works!

As before, we’re wrapping up the Lotad-related articles with a list of works made by fans! Think of it of a collection of cool stuff to be found on the internet for this line.

If you have any others you know of, then mention it in a comment, and we might add it into this post. And if you have made one yourself or want to create one, why not post one on the forum? Meanwhile, we’ll be working on more articles, including the next line to be examined in the Pokémon Analysis line of articles.

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The Top 5 Worst Ways to Advertise your Fanfic

In some ways, the life of a fanfiction author is easy these days. The internet makes it quite simple to share your creations, and it’s just as simple for others to respond to your stuff with their feedback. Many sites even let us know the page view count, so we know just how many people were interested enough to click on the story’s title. Sharing is, in a nutshell, very easy.

The downside of this, of course, is that there are a lot of fanfics out there. Some of them are very polished, some of them not all that much so. Some of them are incredibly popular, some are practically void of all attention. Every writer wants to get at least some attention, and it can be quite difficult to distinguish yourself from the mass. So, you do what real world authors have to do to get attention. You have to advertise.

There’s many ways to go about advertising your creations – this applies to fanfics as well as art, let’s plays, fan music, AMV’s, what have you. Some of them are good and effective. Some of them aren’t.

Here are a few that pop up every now and then, but should never be used by anyone.
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Are Pokemon designs getting worse?

No one would really like to think it, but are pokemon designs getting worse? Sure there might be a few good ones here and there, but are there enough to redeem the recent generations? The answer is quite simply, there is no answer. It’s all about what you’re looking for.

Say generation one is your favorite. With awesome designs like Charizard, Cloyster, and Sandslash, it’s pretty hard to go wrong. The designs back then were plain and simple. Not full of these crazy markings and logos that litter today’s generation. In fact, the most notable marking was Arbok’s hood. Now it’s all about how much we can stuff into one pokemon until it’s overloaded with markings. It just makes the design look crowded and ugly. The Pokemon today hardly even look like Pokemon. It’s fine to put a few markings on a design, but there’s a limit.

Time to switch gears, let’s say that generation five is your favorite, with really cool pokemon like Gigalith, Zebstrika, and Zoroark. There’s a lot of detail put into those designs. Surely much better than those bland Pokemon all the Kanto fanatics are raving about. All those extra touches Game Freak puts on the Pokemon really brings out the factors that people look for. Generation one Pokemon don’t have anything on the detail work of Sigilyph. After all, if you can put more details on Pokemon, why not?

I would just like to say that comparing one generation to another is like comparing apples to oranges. You obviously have your favorite, but if someone doesn’t like one or the other, there’s no way of convincing that person to like the other. Let’s take a moment to look at each of the generations and the general vibe we got from the new pokemon.

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The Name Rater: Lotad/Lombre/Ludicolo

Welcome! Here I am, the… Name Rater. Yes, that’s who I am, I think.

Before I do these name rates, I wish to clarify that I was NOT talking to jars of pickles, and certainly not because I am lonely! No, I was just… reading their nutritional content labels out loud, is all.

Now then! The Lotad line? Let’s do this.

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Nicknames for Lotad, Lombre and Ludicolo!

A while ago, we wrote the article on the Lotad line, and now the Name Rater wants to see what you can come up with in regards to names for these Pokémon! After all, he’s gotten rather bored with the lack of names to rate since the naming of Wyatt, our Wynaut mascot. He’s even been seen talking to jars of pickles to help pass the time.

Leave a comment suggesting a name or few for each of these Pokemon. You have at least a week to do so, so get them in!

EDIT: Now closed! If you wish to see the names below rated, click the next article link at the top of the page!

Top 10 members of villainous Teams

Just so you know, avid readers, there will be spoilers in this article for pretty much everything Pokemon related. You have been warned.

Hello, all you little FIGHTAMANIACS! I’m back for another look at the wonderful world of Pokemon. Now, if you know me, you know I’m an avid supporter of Teams Rocket, Magma, Aqua, Snagem, Galactic and Plasma. I always feel bad when I mow down a grunt for a Team I love, so I thought I’d make up for it by counting down the top ten members of villainous teams. Keep it in mind when you read this that I’m not sticking to one canon. Characters from the anime, games, and manga are present on this list. I didn’t really have a specific criteria when I made this list. As such, the characters aren’t here because they all have varying levels of a certain quality, it’s mostly just based off of opinion.

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The Mystery of the Three Musketeers

Before I start, I’d just like to let you know that there are MAJOR spoilers for the Pokemon anime, games, and the Pokemon Adventures manga. You’ve been warned.

The Three Musketeers? I know, you’re wondering who I’m talking about. I’ll be doing a comparison of the three main characters of the Pokemon franchise: Ash from the anime, Red from the games, and Red from the Pokemon Adventures manga. Now, let me start off by saying that these are not all the same character. Many people think that you play as Ash in RBY/FRLG, as the design for Ash and Red is very similar. Same with Red from the games and Red from the manga. However, all three of these trainers differ in amounts of skill, personalities, back stories, and many other aspects.

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Tawada’s Song

Pokémon as a franchise is fairly large. Not only does it have the main game series by Game Freak that churns out a game every two years at worst for a good while, it has a large number of spinoff titles to complement that list. It also has the anime series coupled with it. Given all that, one can imagine the number of staff working on the music of the series.

Among the bunch, there has been one music composer which has popped up on the credits list for a few spinoff games for Pokemon. He is Tsukasa Tawada. He’s been in the music business for the video game industry for many years, but a curiosity of his work that has only cropped up in Pokémon titles is a short tune that appears time and time again.
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Top 10 Creepiest Pokémon

When most people think of Pokémon, they usually think it’s just a kids’ game. I mean, we have all these cute little colorful critters to befriend, and then you have friendly battles with other kids with your pocket monster buddies. The more famous Pokémon are often just these kinds of Pokémon. You’ve got Pikachu, Eevee, all the adorable starter Pokémon, Jigglypuff, Mew…

Some Pokémon, of course, look a bit scarier. There’s various dragons, like Garchomp or Dialga, that look like they might actually startle you if you saw them in real life. There’s human-sized insects and other mildly unsettling design choices. But overall, it’s still a pretty friendly game. There’s nothing really scary there, right? It’s all perfectly suitable for kids.

…And then you go read the Pokédex entries for some of the perfectly nice-looking, unimposing Pokémon you’ve collected during your fantastic, happy travels, and suddenly the world isn’t such a friendly place anymore. And this isn’t just about Ghost-type Pokémon, or even just about Dark-types. There are some seriously creepy Pokémon out there, and they come in all shapes and sizes. Here is my pick of the top ten creepiest ones.
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